Pearcey Report

Pearcey Report

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The power of Words

Officially, the journey begins!

Yesterday, Jeff and Brooke officially began a journey which, in actuality began years ago.

Yesterday they sealed their commitment to one another in the presence of God and before their friends and family.

Jeff and Brooke took Vows.

For far too many folk today, Vows are words without meaning; without an associated commitment.

It is my distinct pleasure to recognize and know, in the case of these two individuals, words have meaning and power. They have Vowed before God and their friends and family to love and honor one another “…til death they do part…”.

There is something in the marrow of my being which tells me, in the case of these two, their“yes” will; be “yes”, regardless.

Some words do have power.


Another holiday catches me off guard!

Since when do we need to be rewarded with a Day for simply doing what one is supposed to do?

Give me a break!

I was taught from my earliest days that living up to one's responsibilities was to be expected, not rewarded.

We reward/acknowledge the unusual demonstrations of personal responsibility.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


For months I have been plagued with locating a John Stott citation on a March 18 blog.
A few moments ago, Eureka! Or, in the phrase of CCC back in the 70s, "I Found It"!

Christian Mission In The Modern World. Page 17 in the 1974 edition.

Now my mind can rest easy!