Pearcey Report

Pearcey Report

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Writing Straight Lines with Crooked Sticks

Finishing my survey of the books of 1 & 2 Kings, I was struck afresh with the sovereignty of God in terms of bringing to pass His ultimate purpose through the lives of “crooked men and women”.

In The Revelation, God has privileged us with an insight into His control of human history.

In terms of the divine record, the focus is on Israel and the plan of redemption.

But, by implication, all of human history is encompassed for however long God intends.

So, today; this century and this year, is under His sovereign sway, being superintended toward His intended “end”.

Whether O’Bama or McCain ends up in office; God is still in absolute control; writing straight with crooked sticks!

The Kingdom of God continues to advance, as the incoming tide.

At any particular moment, the “wave” may appear to be either advancing or receding; still, the tide is “coming in”!

At all times, and in all circumstances, the illustration of the Incoming Tide serves me well! Regardless of temporal circumstances, I remind myself, “…the tide is coming in…”

This is the source of my HOPE.

The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea!
My hope is built on nothing-less, than Jesus blood and righteousness!
