Manifested In The Flesh, Joel McDurmon, 2007
Joel Mcdurmon has done a tremendous service to the laymen and women within the body of Christ with the penning of this book.
Clarity, insight, astuteness of observation with a measure of humor and ridicule mark the presentation.
At the moment, it fails me to recall the source of the observation: “if something is ridiculous, it ought to be ridiculed”, but Joel does a masterful job of gracious ridicule!
The appendices are worth the price of the book, alone.
Joel’s observations relative to the implications of the serpents presentation in Genesis 3 are worthy of serious reflection: 1) the quest for secret knowledge…”hath God said”?, 2) THE OUTRIGHT REJECTION OF God’s sovereignty in history “…ye shall not surely die…”, 3) the promise of enlightenment by the quest “your eyes shall be opened..”, and finally, 4) the promise of becoming divine “,,,ye shall be as gods…”.
The observations on Liberty and the absurdity of man’s demand to know what he need not know are awesome! (Deuteronomy 29:29).
I so enjoyed this book and highly commend it to every Intentional Discipler.
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